

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Updates on Working Australia Visa Policies

Everybody loves to travel and no one can deny it. It is their way of releasing stress. We live only once and we’d better live the most and the best out of our life. We always seek for new experiences. We want to make new memories. Everything we do is done to make our life interesting and alive. We are not just merely breathing but we need to enjoy life and make every experience worthwhile.
Thus, if possible, people would travel from one place or another. And one of these places is Australia. Australia is an easy target and one of the most beautiful places to go to. It has all the beauty that nature has to offer. Thus, it is a perfect place for people to live and make families. It is a place where you can work with suitable wages and, at the same time, enjoy the place and its people.
Thus, it is every man’s dream to be able to get a working visa for Australia. Work visas for Australia can be a skilled working visa or a holiday working visa. For Skilled working visa, it is applicable for people who are needed in Australia to work in the labor force with the specific skills needed to do their job. Especially with the shortages of skilled workers, Australia needs to be a bit lenient for skilled worker applicants and grant them the necessary and appropriate working visa for Australia.
As for the holiday working visa, it is appropriate and granted to travelers who want to be tourists and, at the same time, work in Australia. Most of the applicants need to have additional financial support and means to support and sustain their trip.
Thus, it is but necessary to be able to know the appropriate work visa for Australia applicable for you. And you need to support your application with proper and correct documentation so that you won’t have any problems in processing your visa.
Working visa for Australia is easy to apply as long as you comply with the requirements and you have the skill they want from you. You must also present a proof of your skill so that your application will be much reliable and honest. In this way, your visa application will be granted easily. And if you do get to Australia, you have the chance to become a permanent resident in Australia as long as you do your job well and efficiently. Because every effort there will always be a reward waiting to be enjoyed.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Telaga Air Tours Ngipik Gresik

Telaga Air Tours Ngipik Gresik

Ngipik lake is located in Gresik Industrial Estate. At this location has developed water attractions, visitors can enjoy the beautiful panorama with rubber boats around the lake. In addition, visitors can also go fishing at Giri Tirta Wana this.

Another attraction, lake Ngipik used also as a place to practice water skiing, even once used as the Regional Water Skiing Championships event in East Java in 1999. Other facilities available are a cafeteria and stage entertainment of the people to hold and display a variety of entertainment on certain days.
Ngipik Lake is located about 1.5 km to the west Gresik Town Square.

Treehotel, Hotel Unik di Dunia

Hotel is very unusual is called Treehotel. The hotel is situated in a small village in Harads Sweden and there are six fruit tree house that was there.

Each tree house has a unique design. The owners hope to increase the number of houses to 24 in the next 5 years.[sour]

10 Biggest Oil Producers in the World

The United States is the 3rd largest producer of oil in the world which surprises many people but the United States does consume far more oil than it produces. They leads all countries in daily consumption of oil. When most people think of oil and countries they think of the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East and 14th largest country in the world and the number

Monday, March 28, 2011

His exquisite charm of Bau Bau

Today I have to say goodbye to the smells, the town at the southern tip of the island geologic interpretation. This city is not yet popular among tourists, even though he had qualified to be a paradise of capital historical tourism. Smells collect many castles, including the fortress wolio defined muri as the largest in Indonesia. The length of nearly three miles, four meters high, the wall thickness of two meters. The extent of 22 hectares or the equivalent of 36 football fields!
His exquisite charm of Bau Bau

Luwuk> Ampana

Economy class ticket price bus Rp60 thousand, class ac Rp70 thousand. The difference is very thin, for whatever reason. I just know the answer after being on the bus. Apparently, though fed and equipped executive ac-reclining seat, the bus business is not much different from the economic bus. All luggage can be brought into the cabin, ranging from vegetables, tool box, until the sack of rice. In the ass bus, a cage containing goat dependent. What sets it apart from the economic bus is, business passengers are prohibited from smoking. So the choice for passengers are trapped in the cabin containing cigarette smoke or odor in the cabin containing the groceries.

His exquisite charm of Bau Bau

About 200 people filled the interior km ambassadors of the ocean (Rp40.000). The atmosphere is boisterous. Just breathing is difficult, let alone find a place to sit. Multilevel couches on the deck is equally congested. Most cots have a plastic foam mattress as the base lie, but the passengers prefer to use gloves. Come at 10:30 am, I was only able to reach the deck in half and lay down on the stern above the engine room. I am not alone, 10 foreign tourists had also stranded on the deck due to not getting seats.

Wakai> gorontalo

Sunday is a "market day" the Wakai and almost all traders hold merchandise in the market town. While waiting for the wooden boat, I chatted with farid, a native who works at a local tourism official. She says this beautiful Togian changed quiet as the grave every december when the west wind is blowing hard and bringing rain to isolate the island.

His exquisite charm of Bau Bau

Gorontalo> Manado> Tomohon

A deer toyota offers services to Manado with varying rates as ticket concert music: the front seat 150 thousand, 125 thousand the second row and back row 100 thousand. Because the back seat is full and I'm lazy sitting beside the driver pack, the choice fell on the second row.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

10 Kota Paling Banyak Dihuni Miliarder

Dimanapun di dunia, kota besar, apalagi sebuah ibukota, menjadi pusat bisnis yang ikut menggerakkan perekonomian negara. Dari aktivitas ini kemudian lahir orang-orang kaya yang bahkan kemudian masuk dalam daftar orang yang layak dianggap sebagai miliarder. Berikut 10 kota di dunia yang warganya banyak masuk dalam daftar miliuner, yang datanya dikutip VIVAnews dari Forbes Magazine.

1. New York

Jumlah miliarder: 60
Milioner terkaya: Michael Bloomberg ($18 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Ralph Lauren, Carl Icahn, Rupert Murdoch, Donald Trump, Mortimer Zuckerman

Kota ini memang bergelimang sosok miliarder yang bergerak di berbagai sektor bisnis. Seiring kondisi itu, kota ini juga berpredikat sebagai kota berbiaya hidup supermahal. Bayangkan saja, biaya potong rambut langganan selebriti Sally Hershberger saja mencapai $800, atau makan malam restoran mewah yang mencapai $550.

2. Moskow, Rusia

Jumlah miliarder: 50
Milioner terkaya: Vladimir Lisin ($15,8 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Roman Abramovich, Alisher Usmanov, Oleg Deripaska

Jumlah milioner meningkat pesat jika dibandingkan pada 2002 hanya lima milioner. Kekayaan para bilioner mayoritas terbangun berkat permainan bisnis di sektor minyak dan logam. Jika dibandingkan dengan kota lain yang dihuni banyak milioner, Moskow tergolong kota dengan biaya hidup rendah.

3. London, Inggris

Jumlah miliarder: 32
Milioner terkaya: Lakshmi Mittal ($28,7 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Richard Branson, Leonard Blavatnik, Alan Howard

Jumlah milioner di kota itu juga terus meningkat berkat sokongan nilai tukar poundsterling yang kuat dan stabil. Kondisi itu juga membuat kota ini dikenal memiliki biaya hidup yang supertinggi dibandingkan negara Eropa lainnya.

4. Istambul, Turki

Jumlah miliarder: 28
Milioner terkaya: Husnu Ozyegin ($3 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Mehmet Emin Karamehmet, Sarik Tara, Ferit Sahenk

Kecantikan kota ini memang menjadi daya tarik wisatawan asing, sekaligus ladang bisnis kaum milioner. Namun, tak semua bergerak di sektor wisata. Banyak orang superkaya di sana yang mendalami bisnis di sektor teknologi telepon selular dan perbankan. Dengan taraf hidup tinggi, seorang pembantu rumah tangga di kota ini bisa mendapat imbalan jasa $50 per hari.

5. Los Angeles, California

Jumlah miliarder: 27
Milioner terkaya: Eli Broad ($5,7 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Steven Spielberg, Sumner Redstone, Michael Milken, Ron Burkle

Melihat gemerlap kota ini, sebenarnya tak mengejutkan jika menampung sejumlah milioner. Banyak dari pengusaha superkaya itu menanggung untung dari industri hiburan seperti perfilman Hollywood. Bisnis otomotif dan pariwisata juga memegang peran penting.

6. Hong Kong

Jumlah miliarder: 25
Milioner terkaya: Li Ka-shing ($21 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Lee Shau Kee, keluarga Kwok, Robert Kuok, Cheng Yu-tung

Kota bekas koloni Inggris ini menampung jumlah milioner terbanyak dibandingkan kota-kota besar lain di Asia. Milioner terkaya di kota itu menguasai ladang bisnis di sektor telekomunikasi.

7. Mumbai, India

Jumlah miliarder: 20
Milioner terkaya: Mukesh Ambani ($29 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Anil Ambani, Shashi & Ravi Ruia, Kumar Birla, Pallonji Mistry

Kota ini menjadi pusat bisnis dan kebudayaan di India. Kota yang sempat dikenal dengan nama Bombay ini punya daya tarik tersendiri sebagai pusat industri film dan televisi yang dijuluki Bollywood. Sebagai pusat dagang, banyak kantor pusat perusahaan besar India bermarkas di kota ini.

8. Dallas, Texas

Jumlah miliarder: 17
Milioner terkaya: Andrew Beal ($4,5 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Henry Ross Perot Sr., Jerral Jones, T. Boone Pickens, Mark Cuban

Kekayaan sejumlah pengusaha superkaya di kota ini disokong sektor perminyakan. Kota ini dikenal memiliki sejumlah ladang minyak dengan sumir-sumur dangkal. Namun, ada pula yang menangguk sukses melalui bisnis teknologi dan kuliner.

9. San Fransisco, California

Jumlah miliarder: 14
Milioner terkaya: Larry Page ($17,5 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: George Roberts, Ray Dolby, Gordon Getty

Orang superkaya mulai tumbuh di kota ini sejak memasuki era internet. Termasuk orang terkaya di sana yang merupakan pendiri Google. Pendiri PayPal dan sejumlah petinggi Facebook juga bermukim di sana.

10. Tokyo, Jepang

Jumlah miliarder: 14
Milioner terkaya: Tadashi Yanai ($7,6 miliar)
Milioner lainnya: Nobutada Saji, Akira Mori, Masayoshi Son, Hiroshi Mikitani

Pada 1987, kota ini sempat menjadi hunian pria kaya di dunia yang bergerak di di sektor perumahan, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi. Pada 2002, kota ini pernah bertengger di posisi ke-3 dari jajaran kota yang paling banyak dihuni milioner. Namun, perlahan posisinya tergeser kota-kota besar lain di dunia. Mayoritas pengusaha bergerak di sektor teknologi.


Kota-Kota di Indonesia

Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara berpenduduk terbesar di dunia. Jumlah miliarder di indonesia tentunya tidak kalah dengan negara lainnya. Sayangnya kalau di indonesia data ini tidak bisa terperinci dengan akurat terlebih lagi para miliardernya dari berbagai kota di indonesia. Walau tidak sekaya dari negara lain ternyata banyak miliarder muda indonesia yang berkecimpung sebagai pengusaha di indonesia. Salah satunya pemilik Amazingtop10.blogspot.com :D


indonesia Best Diving

Saturday, March 26, 2011

10 Tempat Wisata Mesir Yang Wajib Dikunjungi

Walaupun saat ini Mesir sedang bergolak dan kondisi yang tidak aman, namun Mesir tetap mempunyai daya tarik. Lupakan dahulu konflik yang sedang terjadi di Mesir, negara ini memiliki peninggalan sejarah dunia dan tempat-tempat pariwisata yang memukau. Hampir semua wilayah di Mesir mempunyai nilai sejarah. 10 daftar tujuan wisata Mesir ini tentu tidak bisa mewakili apa yang dimiliki Mesir sesungguhnya.

10. Gunung Sinai

Gunung sinai adalah puncak tertinggi di kota Saint Kahterine’s. Gunung Sinai banyak dikunjungi para turis, karena di gunung inilah Nabi Musa mendapat wahyu dari Allah, yaitu 10 perintah Allah yang diberikan untuk bangsa Israel. Di puncak Sinai juga berdiri sebuah masjid dan gereja, dan banyak pendaki yang tertarik menuju puncaknya.

9. Karnak

Karnak adalah sebuah kompleks kuil, yaitu reruntuhan kuil, tiang-tiang dan bangunan yang lain. Situs ini menunjukkan bahwa dahulu pernah berlangsung sebuah peradaban. Ada 3 kuil utama dan banyak kuil yang berukuran kecil. Pada masa pemerintahan Firaun, Karnak dibangun sebagai tempat pemujaan.

8. Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh adalah kawasan kota wisata Mesir, banyak fasilitas hiburan dan pariwisata terdapat di sini. Posisinya yang strategis menghadap Teluk Tiran dan Teluk Aqaba, Sharm el-Sheikh bagaikan surga wisata air seperti snorkeling, scuba diving dan lainnya. Di Sharm el-Sheikh, kita dapat melihat Gunung Sinai dan Naama Bay. Lapangan golf dengan fasilitas yang lengkap juga tersedia di sana.

7. Hurghada

Hurghada adalah kota di Mesir yang terletak di Laut Merah dan terkenal dengan pantainya yang indah dengan pasir putihnya. Hurghada juga menawarkan tempat-tempat wisata yang didukung fasilitas yang baik. Di Hurghada terdapat banyak resort, hotel dan penginapan. Terumbu karang Pantai Hurghada dianggap yang paling indah di dunia. Hurghada juga menjadi pusat internasional olahraga air seperti selancar angin, berlayar, menyelam dan lainnya.

6. Sungai Nil

Sungai Nil adalah sungai terpanjang di dunia dan sangat melegenda dimana Nabi Musa pernah dihanyutkan ke Sungai Nil hingga ditemukan oleh putri Firaun. Sungai Nil adalah jantung kehidupan penduduk Mesir. Kehidupan masyarakat Mesir bertumpu pada sungai Nil. Mulai dari sarana wisata, bendungan, pusat perekonomian, pertanian, perikanan, perhubungan dan lain sebagainya. Tidak salah apabila ada ungkapan yang menyebutkan, “Sungai Nil adalah hadiah untuk bangsa Mesir”.

5. Luxor

Luxor adalah kota kuno di Heliopolis Selatan, di Luxor banyak terdapat situs sejarah Mesir Kuno seperti monumen kebohongan, reruntuhan kuil-kuil dan makam serta museum terbuka yang terbesar. Pariwisata menjadi tumpuan perekonomian penduduk Luxor.

4. Laut Merah

Laut Merah disebut dalam kitab suci pada saat Nabi Musa membelah Laut Merah dengan tongkatnya. Saat itu Nabi Musa dan para pengikutnya bangsa Israel melarikan diri dari kejaran Firaun. Terusan Suez menghubungkan Laut Merah (Mesir) dengan Laut Mediterania. Laut Merah memiliki keanekaragaman hayati, terumbu karang, atol dan kadar garam yang tinggi. Walaupun banyak spesies berbahaya di laut Merah, tetapi tidak menyurutkan para penyelam untuk menikmati keindahannya.

3. Alexandria

Alexandria atau Al Iskandariyya adalah kota terbesar kedua di Mesir dan salah satu kota paling terkenal di dunia. Di Alexandria terdapat sphinx dan teater Romawi kuno. The Great Lighthouse masuk dalam 7 Keajaiban Dunia. Banyak wisatawan yang tertarik untuk mengunjungi Alexandria karena tempatnya yang sangat indah.

2. Kairo

Ibu kota Mesir ini adalah kota terbesar di Afrika dan berpenduduk paling padat. Kairo juga sebagai pusat ilmu pengetahuan Islam. Universitas tertua di dunia Al Azhar juga berada di Kairo. Bangunan rumah, gedung-gedung kuno sangat kental dengan arsitektur Islam. Julukan untuk Kairo adalah kota dengan 1000 menara. Karena masjid-masjid di Kairo minimal mempunyai 2 menara.

1. Piramid dan Sphinx

Mesir hampir identik dengan piramid dan sphinx yang dimilikinya. Ada lebih dari 80 piramid di Mesir, dan piramida yang terbesar adalah Piramida Agung Giza dan Sphinx Agung adalah shpinx yang terbesar. Di dalam piramida terdapat mumi atau jasad raja-raja yang diawetkan, sedangkan sphinx adalah patung singa berkepala manusia. Piramida dan sphinx di Mesir membuktikan struktur buatan manusia yang tertinggi di dunia yang menyimpan banyak misteri.


L'Indonésie est un pays exotique de 17.000 îles

Indonesien ein exotisches Land  Photos
L'Indonésie est un pays exotique de 17.000 îles

L'Indonésie est un pays exotique de 17.000 îles d'une vaste zone en Asie du Sud. Je me suis rendu pour la première fois cette partie du monde en 1976 et ont été des gens, des cultures, de couleurs et les sons ont été enchantés depuis. Au cours des dernières années, j'ai vécu en Indonésie et j'ai créé ce conseil Voyage de voyager à travers ce pays fascinant un jeu d'enfant.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Entry Ports Where Visa-on-Arrival May Be Issued are:

Airports: Entry

Visit Yogyakarta Year 2011 has been proclaimed by the Government of Makassar to encourage tourism to the city program "Wind Mamiri" it. A number of tourism events have been prepared in 70 activities to attract foreign and local tourists. Visit mascot also prepared Makassar Year 2011
  • Soekarno-Hatta in Jakarta
  • Ngurah Rai in Bali
  • Sultan Syarif Hasim in Pekanbaru
  • Minangkabau in Padang
  • Juanda in Surabaya and
  • Sam Ratulangi in Manado
  • Polonia in Medan
  • Hang Nadim in Batam
  • Halim Perdana Kusuma in Jakarta
  • Adi Sucipto in Jogjakarta
  • Adi Sumarmo in Surakarta
  • Husein Sastranegara in Bandung
  • Ahmad Yani in Semarang
  • Selaparang in Mataram
  • Ei-Tari in Kupang
  • Hasanuddin in Makassar
  • Sam Ratulangi in Manado
  • Sepinggan in Balikpapan
  • Supadio in Pontianak 
Authorized seaports are at Batam: Sekupang, Batuampar, Nongsa, Marina, and Teluk Senimba, Bandar Bintan, Talani Lagoi, Tanjung Balai Karimun, and Bandar Sri Udana Labon in the Riau archipelago, Sri Bintan Pura in Tanjung Pinang;  Belawan port and Sibolga in North Sumatra, Yos Sudarso Tanjung Perak in Surabaya; Teluk Bayur of Padang; Tanjung Priok harbor at Jakarta; Padang Bai and Benoa ports in Bali; the port of Jayapura; Bitung; Tanjung Mas in Semarang, Central Java; Tenua and Maumere in East Nusa Tenggara, Pare-Pare and Soekarno Hatta port in South Sulawesi.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

a crucial weapon in this mysterious journey.


The foundation of learning is humility. The basis for the adoption of a new understanding or thinking is humility. It is a priority during this trip. Without humility, we would not survive the journey. We must accept that we have nothing before embarking on it, so we know how to see the progress and direction. We back our prices and achievements from past and let us be guided. We need the fear of God in us to have wisdom. Humility also allows us to be careful and know what we're used to our past or should not know about this trip. The spiritual world may be in something or one. To see this we need that with a humble heart to accept. 


No trip is complete without the spiritual power of prayer. This is our weapon in uncertain times. We must trust and hope for things. The best way to achieve this level of understanding through prayer. Prayer is our way of communicating with God through our Lord and Savior Allah. Prayer is the medicine in moments of doubt during this trip. There is medicine in times of fear and blame. Prayer is worship in the moments of joy. Prayer can be said anytime, anywhere. Prayer does not need energy for our faith one side. It is a crucial weapon in this mysterious journey.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Firsty Amalia - Salt Water Sussex County Delaware

Sexy Pose Firsty Amalia

This "Salt Water Sussex County Delaware" area is an area of much history...I love Sussex County Delaware. I am native born, multigenerational and proud to be one of those who, as they say; "are from here". The earliest records of our family show we were here well before the Mayflower arrived in 1620; some our ancestors were here in the early 1500's or before (some family records show us here in the 1400s!); when the only records here were all the family Bibles that each family kept.In this area, we were populated by those escaping religious persecution in Europe.

Firsty Amalia on the gate of white beach

This heritage has much to do with the names and character of our area. Many local ancestors fled Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Isle of Man - when Henry IV dethroned Richard II and the subsequent political and religious purge sent religious zealots to places out of the reach and care of England. I've learned that many of my ancesters here were foragers only and did not farm or hunt, only "found and foraged and fished", from directions they read in the Bible.

Firsty Amalia hot Photos with hers couple

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Best Travel Places For Tourist Attractions in Stockholm

Stockholm, one of the world's most beautiful capital city, 14 on 57 islands around the bridge is built connecting. Beautiful buildings, air, water and fresh vegetables in the region distinctive features. Ekopark, the world's first city park in the green space for breathing and constant presence in city crackdown in the city.

With its history of 750 years and a rich cultural life, Stockholm offers a wide range of world class museums and attractions. Many attractions in walking distance are, and this is a good chance to find a lot of things in a short time there. Extensive experience of city life, history and civilization of landscapes, all day.

Graf Stockholm City Hall. City hall tower great views of Stockholm to climb. Do you miss Gamla Stan, Stockholm's oldest attraction and one of the best preserved medieval city centers in the world. For a small, winding streets with shops full of crafts, antiques, art galleries and cafes that line the walk. Stockholm Royal Palace and the cathedral of Gamla, in the province.

Green Djurgården island home to some of the most popular attractions is. Relying on the famous warship Vasa world's oldest open air museum Skansen in the world of Astrid Lindgren Junibacken. Water and no opportunity to see Stockholm. Sure, the city of fourteen islands, stunning views over the water is made. Various tours are available. Fourteen islands were not enough, Stockholm offers a fantastic archipelago with 30,000 islands, rocks and islands of the archipelago.

Stockholm - the capital of Scandinavia!
Gamla Stan

Province Gamla, one of the greatest centers of medieval and best preserved in Europe and one of the main attractions in Stockholm. It was founded in Stockholm in 1252.

Imperial Palace

Welcome to one of the largest castles in Europe! Royal Palace official residence of His Majesty the King of Sweden, with over 600 of the room.

Vasa Museum

Keep the seventeenth century ship Vasa is the world's art treasures and unique. Over 95 percent of the original ships and hundreds of statues carved it is decorated.

Skansen open air museum

The oldest museum of Skansen open zoo in the world, and consists of Stockholm, with a beautiful location and distribution of The Royal Djurgården Stockholm.

City Hall

City hall, with its clear Tuesday Krvanha Golden Tower, one of the most popular silhouettes in Stockholm. Tour guide throughout the year.


Royal Djurgården Junibacken world of fairy tales based on characters from the popular author Astrid Lindgren and other children is based.


Carl Milles is one of the most famous sculptor of Sweden. Carl and Olga Milles Millesgården house is an artist from the island Lidingö. Exposure to artists at work in big studios, while the works of Olga and sister Ruth Milles Carl Milles small studio on the screen.

Moderna Museet

Experience the best of twentieth century European art collections to date, with the works of Picasso, Dali, Matisse and Derkert.

National Museum

Leading museum of art and design in Sweden, with more than a collection of paintings and sculpture and painting, graphic art, art and design to date.

Boat Sightseeing

Stockholm is beautiful in terms of water need. Fortunately, many trips in accordance with their interests in order to vote.